RAGE OF ACHILLES RECORDS                P.O.Box  27
************************                North Yorkshire
                                        Settle BD24  9YR

Distr. : UK - Shellshock
Style  : doom rock/hardcore/noise/black metal/retro trash/dark metal/industrial/
         stoner / grunge /

ILIAD   001     MOLEHILL : COMFORT MEASURED IN RAZOR LINES              CD        .2000

        1       Dying Like Sisters
        2       Balrac
        3       Sleeping Through My Funeral
        4       Graying Whore
        5       Eye On
        6       24 Hour Mercy Plea
ILIAD   002     ABDULLAH                SNAKE LORE                      CD      06.2000

        1       Path to Enlightenment                           7:17
        2       Distant Lights                                  6:03
        3       Sot-Weed / In the Belly of the Beast            5:53
        4       Firmament                                       6:18
        5       Lam / The Sickness Unto Death                   14:17
        6       The Black Ones                                  5:05
        7       I Bleed Black                                   4:38
        8       In the Belly of the Beast (Live)                6:12
ILIAD   003     WITCH MOUNTAIN          HOMEGROWN DOOM                  CD        .2000

        1       Indian Passage                                  3:59
        2       Foxy Mule                                       3:56
        3       Victim of Chord Changes                         4:44
        4       Iron Long (Part 1)                              5:41
        5       Iron Long (Part 2)                              6:10
ILIAD   004     KAPTAIN SUN             TRIP TO VORTEX                  CD        .2000

        1       Trip to Vortex
        2       Restless Case
        3       Kaptain Sun
        4       Hypnotical Kiss
        5       Final Fantasy
        6       Marmelade Sky

        1       51 People Killed by Pirates in 1997             1:54
        2       City of Dentist Missouri                        2:53
        3       And I Was Like Ok Whatever                      1:27
        4       Lemonade In Kansas                              3:18
        5       Field Real Good                                 1:15
        6       1-800-We-Are-18                                 3:58
        7       Untitled [unlisted]                             1:26
        8       Untitled [unlisted]                             3:35
ILIAD   006     THE SATELLITE CIRCLE    WAY BEYOND THE PORTAL           CD      10.2000

        1       Kick You Right Back                             6:29
        2       At the End of the Day                           5:46
        3       Reconcile                                       4:40
        4       The More I Drink                                4:44
        5       From Where You Stand                            4:15
ILIAD   007     GOATSBLOOD              GOATSBLOOD                      CD      02.2001

        1       Bitterasbile                                    4:49
        2       Salt in the Wound                               4:43
        3       Operation Desert Goat                           2:49
        4       Sign Flappin' Finger Pointer                    4:46
        5       Dead Children (Warm My Heart)                   4:18
        6       Doomed Extinction                               4:14
        7       Ditch Witch                                     3:49
        8       Piss Blooded Bitch / War of the Goat            6:49
ILIAD   008     LINEOUT                 DROWNING FACE                   7"      02.2001

        A       Drowning Face
        B       Break the Day
ILIAD   009
ILIAD   010     UNEARTHED               UNEARTHED                       CD      03.2001

        1       Silence And The Mirror                          4:31
        2       Deepest Regrets                                 7:37
        3       The Primate Exhibit                             9:37
        4       Wandering                                       2:22
        5       An Anatomy Of Failure                           5:53
        6       Melted Plastic Faces                            5:03
        7       My Glorious Martyr                              11:10
        8       Horizon                                         5:59
        9       Invisible Lab Rats                              14:19
ILIAD   011     WITCH MOUNTAIN          ... COME THE MOUNTAIN           CD      05.2001

        1       Rock On/420                                     4:25
        2       Indian Passage                                  4:12
        3       Victim of Chord Changes                         5:15
        4       Foxy Mule                                       4:21
        5       A Power Greater (feat. Eric Stoltz)             4:47
        6       Iron Long (Part I)                              7:47
        7       Iron Long (Part II)                             6:34
        8       Rocaine                                         7:07
        9       Iron Long (Part III)                            6:11
        10      The Scientist's:                                12:39
                a) Confession
                b) Execution
                c) Last Thoughts
ILIAD   012     CULT OF LUNA            CULT OF LUNA                    CD      09.2001

        1       The Revelation Embodied                         7:45
        2       Hollow                                          9:59
        3       Dark Side of the Sun                            3:13
        4       Sleep                                           14:01
        5       To Be Remembered                                5:56
        6       Beyond Fate                                     8:44
        7       101                                             1:42
        8       The Sacrifice                                   9:06
ILIAD   013
ILIAD   014     THE SATELLITE CIRCLE    THE SATELLITE CIRCLE            CD      08.2001

        1       You Were Never the King                         6:01
        2       Remedy                                          4:58
        3       Black Mountainside                              5:03
        4       Slow Descent                                    5:30
        5       The Thin White Line Between Happiness and Sanity 4:32
        6       Simplicity                                      5:20
        7       The Beginning of the End of the World           3:42
        8       I Need to Keep This to Myself                   3:51
        9       The Beginning of the End of the World - Part 2  3:22
ILIAD   015     HATEWORK                BROKEN SILENCE                  CD      09.2001

        1       Saint of Killers
        2       Legacy of Tragedy
        3       H.O.H.
        4       Lifemare
        5       Lethiferous Minions
        6       Trenched Veins Hollowed Eyes
        7       Skin Sluff
        8       Reigning Empire
ILIAD   017     FOREST OF SHADOWS       WHERE DREAMS TURN TO DUST       CD      10.2001

        1       Eternal Autumn                                  9:24
        2       Wish                                            8:20
        3       Of Sorrow Blue                                  11:30
ILIAD   018     N D E                   FIX                             CD      11.2001

        1       Spitting Teeth
        2       Göatasswhöleface
        3       Hatelife
        4       Godless
        5       Coming Down
        6       Fix
        7       Burden
        8       Blood of Mine
ILIAD   019     MIGHTYFEW               CINEMA                          CD      02.2002
ILIAD   020     RATAD                   GARCIA                          CD      03.2002

        1       Transform
        2       Bleed On Me
        3       Suicide Is Not A Crime
        4       Invited
        5       Cockvomit
        6       Gone
        7       Garcia
        8       Welcome To Hell
        9       Ratad
        10      Damn You Mr. President
ILIAD   021     ANATOMI 71 VS.NEMO      Split                           CD      03.2002

        1       Anatomi-71              Du är inte ni med mig, gubbjävel
        2       Anatomi-71              Sänk eller ak hem
        3       Anatomi-71              Lobotomerad vid födseln
        4       Anatomi-71              Asocialt kompetent
        5       Anatomi-71              Dödad (av snuten)
        6       Anatomi-71              Men ös da för fan
        7       Anatomi-71              Potentiell psykopat
        8       Anatomi-71              Dra härifran
        9       Anatomi-71 : Om jag sag ut som dig sa skulle jag nita mig själv
        10      Anatomi-71              Lukta pa det här och tänk pa en gubbröv
        11      Anatomi-71              Ni ska inte in i Örebro
        12      Anatomi-71              Ner pa knä (du maste)
        13      Anatomi-71 : Jag lyssnade bara pa metal innan jag blev pop
        14      Anatomi-71              LA-personalen är gammal
        15      Anatomi-71              Telioffer
        16      Anatomi-71              Pappa var fran Nykroppa
        17      Anatomi-71              Diskonsum
        18      Anatomi-71              Utbildningreserv
        19      Anatomi-71 : Religion, nat för träskiga individer som inte fattar
        20      Anatomi-71              Hele Ananasringer
        21      Anatomi-71              Ner i gruset
        22      Nemo                    Fever Dream
        23      Nemo                    Robosong II
        24      Nemo                    You Just Ate, Get Your Hands Off My Cake
        25      Nemo                    Animal Bitch Bag
        26      Nemo                    Shut Your Kid Up
        27      Nemo : My Life Is a Mess and I Don't Make Enough Money
        28      Nemo                    Eager Beavers Drive You Wild
        29      Nemo                    What If the Lights Went Out
        30      Nemo                    The One Man Jam
        31      Nemo : If I Ever See That Kid Again, I'll Kick Him in the Craw
        32      Nemo                    Why Don't You Take Off
        33      Nemo                    Glassy Eyes
ILIAD   022     TODAY IS THE DAY        LIVE AT OKAY'S CORRAL           CD      10.2002

        1       Crutch                                          1:18
        2       High as the Sky                                 2:21
        3       Hermaphrodite                                   5:16
        4       Hai Piranha                                     2:25
        5       The Man Who Loves to Hurt Himself               4:20
        6       Miracle                                         2:21
        7       Blindspot                                       1:45
        8       Temple of the Morning Star                      2:53
        9       Outro Noise 1                                   3:25
        10      Outro Noise 2                                   1:13
        11      Outro Noise 3                                   2:38
ILIAD   023     SHUBEND                 SYNERGISM                       CD      08.2002

        1       Theoretic Vanity
        2       Sacrifice
        3       Shattered Mask
        4       Individuality
        5       Victim
        6       D.C.
        7       Endless Recursion
        8       Masquerade
        9       Life Painted Dead
        10      Black Void
        11      Divine Tautology
ILIAD   024     OMNIUM GATHERUM         STEAL THE LIGHT                 CD      08.2002

        1       Wastrel                                         4:39
        2       Son's Thoughts                                  5:46
        3       Candles for Giordano Bruno                      3:20
        4       Ammo                                            6:15
        5       Lost & Found                                    5:41
ILIAD   025     V / A : RAGE OF ACHILLES-CONQUEST FOR THE EMPIRE        CD      06.2002

        1       Ratad                   Blood On Me
        2       Nathair                 Kivivuode
        3       Mistress                Stuntcock
        4       Facebreaker             Me (Mean)
        5       Omnium Gatherum         Ammo
        6       Teen Cthulhu            Ready The Guillotine
        7       Seven Gates Of Hell     Horsecum Lolitas
        8       Anatomi-71              Ner Pa Knä (Du Maste)
        9       Cult Of Luna            To Be Remembered
        10      Nemo : If I Ever See That Kid Again, I'll Kick Him In The Craw
        11      Farewell Order, The : Giving Ice-cream Truck Drivers A Bad
                Name (Unmastered Version)
        12      Allfader                Sol
        13      Procyon-X               Radio: Contact
        14      Shubeno                 Masquerade
        15      Goatsblood              Dead Children (Warm My Heart)
        16      Underlord               Feast Of The Revenant
        17      Circle Six              Crowned With Horns
        18      Forest Of Shadows       Wish
                (Note : CD , promo sampler)
ILIAD   026     MISTRESS                MISTRESS                        CD      04.2002

        1       Bludgeon                                        3:27
        2       God of Rock                                     1:33
        3       Goatboy                                         7:17
        4       Necronaut                                       6:00
        5       Stunt Cock                                      4:14
        6       5th in Line                                     5:43
        7       DVDA                                            2:00
        8       Rebecca                                         3:17
        9       Lord Worm                                       11:57
ILIAD   027     UNDERLORD               RISE OF THE ANCIENT KINGS       CD      05.2002

        1       Age of Kings                                    4:06
        2       Feast of the Revenant                           3:32
        3       War of the Tyrants                              3:26
        4       Apocryphal Murmurs                              2:56
        5       The Warlock                                     3:05
        6       Cycle of Epochs                                 3:58
        7       At Satan's Behest                               2:48
        8       The Blooded Helm                                5:05
        9       Reign of the Elders                             3:54
        10      Raven                                           3:32
ILIAD   028     FROST                   TCURSED AGAIN                   CD      10.2002

        1       Doom Funeral                                    3:50
        2       Down Here                                       4:21
        3       The Rise                                        4:07
        4       Where I Walk                                    5:10
        5       Fields of Rape                                  3:45
        6       Rest in Piss                                    5:44
        7       Empty of Life                                   3:07
        8       Cursed Again                                    5:42
ILIAD   029     TEEN CTHULHU            RIDE THE BLADE                  CD      07.2002

        1       Burning Fields
        2       Fantastic Wound
        3       I'm Going to Fucking Kill Myself
        4       The Aquaducts Will Run Red with the Blood of the Caesar
        5       120 Days of Sodom
        6       Milder Dimensions
        7       Hydroencephaloid
        8       Fucking with Death
        9       Bloodhorse
        10      Knocking on Heaven's Gate
        11      Hillgiant Witch
        12      Ready the Guillotine
        13      Wolfhunter
ILIAD   030     WOLF                    NIGHTSTALKER                    7"      09.2003

        A       Night Stalker
        B       Die by the Sword
ILIAD   031     ALLFADER                FROM THE DARKEST STAR           CD      11.2002

        1       Fury                                            4:31
        2       From the Darkest Star                           5:26
        3       Sol                                             5:40
        4       A Final Embrace                                 5:12
        5       Nightfall                                       4:37
        6       Of Dream and Voice                              5:45
        7       Selfdeceiver                                    5:07
        8       Hevnen                                          5:56
ILIAD   032     THANATSCHIZO            INSOMNIOUSNIGHTLIFT             CD      01.2003

        1       Reminder                                        9:43
        2       Of Lunar Water...                               5:04
        3       A Promenade Portrait                            7:00
        4       Sublime Loss                                    6:05
        5       Upshot Veil                                     8:04
        6       The Journey's Shiver                            7:32
        7       Insomnious Night Lift                           6:25
        8       Dance Of The Tender Leaves                      7:30
        9       Slow-Chamber Candles' Choir                     4:30
        10      Nightly Lift?                                   4:55
ILIAD   033     OMNIUM GATHERUM         SPIRITS AND AUGUST LIGHT        CD      03.2003

        1       Writhen                                         3:40
        2       Deathwhite                                      4:58
        3       The Perfumed Garden                             4:55
        4       Amor Tonight                                    4:21
        5       Cure a Wound                                    4:07
        6       The Emptiness of Spirit                         4:08
        7       Wastrel                                         4:41
        8       Son's Thoughts                                  5:20
        9       It Shines                                       5:51
ILIAD   034     ANAAL NATHRAKH          TOTAL FUCKING NECRO             CD      02.2003

                "Anaal Nathrakh" (Demo 1999)
        1       Anaal Nathrakh                                  4:38
        2       Necrodeath                                      4:24
        3       Ice Blasting Storm Winds                        5:52
        4       Carnage                                         3:45
                "Total Fucking Necro" (Demo 1999)
        5       The Supreme Necrotic Audnance                   5:00
        6       Satanarchrist                                   5:12
        7       L.E.T.H.A.L.: Diabolic                          5:11
        8       De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas                       6:32
        9       The Technogoat                                  4:23
                "We Will Fucking Kill You" (Unreleased Demo 2001)
        10      Necrogeddon                                     4:24
ILIAD   035     AXIS OF PERDITION       THE ICHNEUMON METHOD            CD        .2003

        1       Ruined Nation Awakens                           4:16
        2       To Walk the Corridors of Hell                   6:31
        3       Nightmare Suspension                            6:08
        4       My Time, My Reign, My Tyranny                   5:50
        5       Forms on the Other Side of Silence              3:09
        6       Reflections of the Underdark                    5:47
        7       Born Under the Knife, Live in Pain              5:37
        8       Disturbance in the Perpetual Screen             7:47
ILIAD   036     FACEBREAKER             HATE AND ANGER                  7"      07.2003

        A1      Hate and Anger
        A2      Me (Mean)
        B1      Beyond Redemption
        B2      Death
ILIAD   037     APOCRYPHAL VOICE        THE SICKENING                   CDEP      .2003

        1       A Sickening Sight
        2       Choose Your Side
        3       Sleeping in Tar
ILIAD   038     THE ENTITY              SALT                            CDEP      .2003

        1       Salt
        2       Duality
        3       Nemesis
        4       Acoustic Salt
ILIAD   039     DARKFLIGHT              UNDER THE SHADOW OF FEAR        CD        .2002

        1       Moonlight Battle                                5:52
        2       The Eclipse of Life                             5:15
        3       Black Spirit                                    4:58
        4       A Call for the Dragons                          4:53
        5       Under the Shadow of Fear                        4:51
        6       To Die in Your Arms                             4:01
        7       Occult Rituals                                  4:26
        8       Alone Somewhere Beyond                          6:13
ILIAD   040     KAPTAIN SUN             RAINBOWRIDE                     CD      09.2003

        1       Invisible Dragons
        2       Cosmic Magic From the Doomed Planets Below
        3       Golden Harvest
        4       Lovedemon
        5       Rainbowride
        6       Freedom
        7       Groove Hotel
        8       The Tides
        9       Universe at Night
ILIAD   041     HATEPULSE               IN EXTENSO LETALIS              CD      07.2003

        1       The Cynical Aftermath                           4:16
        2       God of Hypocrisy                                4:52
        3       The Avenger                                     3:53
        4       Suicidal Melancholia                            5:02
        5       Dodsferd                                        4:48
ILIAD   042     DER GERWELT             HUMAN BREED                     CD      08.2003

        1       Intro                                           0:40
        2       A Shred of Me I Cannot Reach                    6:47
        3       Newborn World as We Know It                     7:07
        4       Into Mayhem                                     7:14
        5       A Bleeding Path                                 4:22
        6       Dreaming With the Dead                          7:51
        7       Human Breed (Ripped Open to a New Reality)      5:07
ILIAD   043     SONATA NOCTURNA         THE DARKEST WINTER              CD      09.2003

        1       Last Dawn                                       6:21
        2       Hatefull                                        6:23
        3       The Darkest Winter                              4:50
        4       The Absolution                                  1:09
ILIAD   044     WHILE HEAVEN WEPT       OF EMPIRES FORLORN              CD      11.2003

        1       The Drowning Years                              5:41
        2       Of Empires Forlorn                              7:50
        3       Voice in the Wind                               6:23
        4       In Aeturnum                                     7:31
        5       Soulsadness                                     7:23
        6       Epistle No. 81                                  3:24
        7       Sorrow of the Angels                            5:00
ILIAD   045     MISTRESS 2              II.THE CHRONOVISOR              CD      10.2003

        1       Rat Piss                                        3:37
        2       Psychic One Inch Punch                          2:46
        3       Hell is Other People                            6:16
        4       Wanker Colony                                   2:31
        5       The Chronovisor                                 1:28
        6       Hit Bottom                                      3:14
        7       No Memory                                       5:19
        8       Piss for Blood, Shit for Brains                 2:13
        9       38                                              12:50
ILIAD   046     ELENIUM                 FOR GIVING, FOR GETTINGg        CD      11.2003

        1       Up the Long Ladder                              3:16
        2       Eye for a Lie                                   3:40
        3       Impostor                                        3:12
        4       Nameless - Faceless                             4:15
        5       Moments                                         6:37
        6       Subcreator                                      4:46
        7       Under the Mug                                   4:15
        8       For Me                                          4:59
        9       To Aim and Miss                                 5:57
ILIAD   047     FACEBREAKER             BLOODRED HELL                   CD      03.2004

        1       The Demon                                       3:16
        2       Cursed                                          3:27
        3       Human Spoil                                     3:47
        4       Command of the Dark                             2:50
        5       Hater                                           4:27
        6       Total Wasteland                                 2:11
        7       Bloodred Hell                                   4:26
        8       Crushed                                         2:18
        9       Hell Is Coming Closer                           2:36
        10      Bringer of Death                                3:27
        11      Bleed                                           3:17
ILIAD   048     SPIRITUS MORTIS         SPIRITUS MORTIS                 CD      01.2004

        1       Forever                                         3:33
        2       Beyond                                          4:31
        3       Vow to the Sun                                  3:51
        4       Death Walking                                   4:34
        5       Doom Mood                                       1:03
        6       Rise From Hell                                  5:25
        7       Forbidden Arts                                  3:22
        8       Baron Samedi                                    3:05
        9       Flames                                          2:46
        10      Tortilla Flat Suite No. 18                      0:28
        11      ...In Me                                        4:42
        12      Sweet Oblivion                                  2:54
        13      The Throne Will Fall                            4:47
        14      Mighty One                                      5:04
ILIAD   049     FROST                   TALKING TO GOD                  CD      02.2004

        1       Sickness                                        4:36
        2       Filthy Black Shit                               5:06
        3       And Still the Dreamer Sleeps                    4:03
        4       The Eternal Sea                                 4:23
        5       Subliminal Hell                                 5:14
        6       The End                                         4:45
        7       Two of a Kind                                   4:35
        8       No Light                                        3:07
        9       Talking to God                                  8:42
ILIAD   050     CHASTISEMENT            ALLEVIATION OF PAIN             CD      10.2002

        1       Another Pace                                    2:03
        2       Destructutorial                                 2:28
        3       Soul Evasion                                    4:28
        4       The Journey                                     1:35
        5       Tsavo - The Land of Slaughter                   4:19
        6       Time Zone Zero                                  3:23
        7       Disowned                                        3:43
        8       World Beyond                                    4:03
        9       Joie de vivre                                   3:09
        10      Redeemer                                        2:02
        11      I Am You                                        3:30
        12      Disgust                                         5:47
        13      A New Dawn                                      4:36
ILIAD   051     KIUAS                   WINTER IN JUNE                  CD      03.2003

        1       Winter in June                                  4:24
        2       Warrior Soul                                    6:30
        3       Song for the Fells                              5:02
        4       Across the Snows                                6:00
ILIAD   052     FALL OF THE LEAFE       VOLVERE                         CD      04.2004

        1       A Waiting Room Snap                             5:22
        2       If Mirrors Leave Men in Crumbs                  5:46
        3       Enemy Simulator                                 5:36
        4       Pillar of the Sun                               5:00
        5       Song From the Second Floor                      5:25
        6       More Like a Situation                           4:59
        7       Hell's Silence                                  3:49
        8       Big Ol' Fat Rain Inside                         4:05
        9       Security Locks Are Good                         4:55
        10      Guilt Threat                                    3:39
        11      Cut the Smoke                                   4:43
ILIAD   053     AMORAL                  WOUND CREATIONS                 CD      05.2004

        1       The Verge                                       1:47
        2       Atrocity Evolution                              6:13
        3       Silent Renewal                                  2:23
        4       Solvent                                         4:41
        5       The Last Round                                  8:40
        6       Other Flesh                                     5:42
        7       Distract                                        3:42
        8       Nothing Daunted (Gallows Pole Rock n' Roll)     8:08
        9       Languor Passage                                 6:10
ILIAD   054     MANITOU                 THE MAD MOON RISING             CD      06.2004

        1       The Mad Moon Rising                             4:12
        2       Drifting Shadows                                4:40
        3       Garden of Fallen Kings                          4:09
        4       Machine Mind                                    6:19
        5       Blind Eye Open                                  4:33
        6       Wish I Could Sleep                              4:50
        7       The Valley of Evergreen                         5:12
        8       Ancestral Territories                           5:09
        9       Race of Malice                                  5:16
ILIAD   055     SIENA ROOT              A NEW DAY DAWNING               CD        .2004

        1       Coming Home                                     4:22
        2       Just Another Day                                4:37
        3       Shine                                           2:54
        4       Fever                                           5:56
        5       Above the Trees                                 3:31
        6       What Can I Do?                                  3:20
        7       Little Man                                      4:26
        8       Roots                                           4:42
        9       Trippin'                                        6:07
        10      Until Time Leaves Us Again                      6:11
        11      Words                                           4:33
        12      Rasayana                                        9:06
        13      Into the Woods                                  8:19